Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm back!

Hey Kids, I'm back!
Sorry to be gone for so long from the web, but a lot of things have been happening as of late.
The last time I posted was October, and I promise in the future to put out at least one post a week.
I have a hard time committing to more than one a week due to a lot of things . . . mostly my life.
Here's a quick run-down of the last several months . . . .

I got new job at the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts: School of Film & Television. It's the best day job ever! I really mean that statement. I have terrific bosses, a supportive environment and I get paid pretty good for what I do. So really, who can complain? Not me.

A film I was in went to the Sundance Festival and won best director! So I went to the festival and supported the movie and well . . . that will be a separate blog post, with pictures.

My theatre company, Dark Luna Productions, put on our first event and now we are looking at scripts for our first official off-Broadway show.

I've also been in a creative flurry with my own scripts as the agency has been trying to sell my stuff.

Needless to say I've been, over my head and crazy busy.

Oh, I have a belt test in BJJ in a week and a half and in March I start my racing season as a runner with two races in NYC.


Please keep reading and I promise, I will write more.

Until next time true believers . . .

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