Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Over 2000 people can't be wrong.

For those of you who know me on Facebook, you've probably put together the fact that I did, indeed, run in a half-marathon this past weekend.
Yes, I did it on busted up ankle . . .
Yes, I did it in the pouring rain . . .
Yes, it blew my mind and I had an incredible time!

2: 04:44 - that's a 9:31 min./mile pace.

I think I can feel good about that.

As for the ankle, it hurt the entire time. It hurt from the moment I got up that morning. There was more pain than there had been in days . . . but then, I had been training on it trying to see if the pain would be too much to actually do the race. I sucked it up and ran anyway.

Reader, let me tell you - it was twice the size of my other ankle for two days. I'm actually going out for a run this morning - we'll see how it holds up.

Now for the weather. It was pouring rain the entire time. And I don't mean a light drizzle. It was a sheet of rain for about half of the race. We ran through puddles (more like lakes) where the water covered our shoes. They changed the course and directed us around things due to 1/4 mile pieces of ground that were submerged. We ran though mud, lots of mud and were leaping over pieces of the course that were water logged and un-passable.

Was I doing a half-marathon or a steeple chase?

It was also a tight course, I bumped elbows with a lot of folks. It was hard to pass people due to the lack of room and often times there were frequent bottle necks. I was more than a little weird-ed out running with that many people. I'm a solitary runner. I don't even have a running club. (Which I need to change.) But it was exciting. Runnign alongside that many people was a high unto itself.

And the support of folks got me more than a little misty eyed. Those folks who had people supporting them with banners. Where even being there was an accomplishment. Cancer survivors, folks there for weight loss, or good people who were running for the memory of someone or to raise money for a cause . . . yeah, I got misty eyed more than once. But then I'm a sentimental boob.

Then there were the people who were hanging out of their windows banging on pots and pans cheering us on. I know no one was cheering for me - but it was still cool.

And the volunteers! Holy crap those people need a round of thanks. They were incredible. Encouraging us and providing water or re-staking the course to we could cross it and keep going, they were standing in that rain for hours - it was wet and cold and they were up before I was and all I can say is thank you and I very much need to volunteer at a race so I can return the favor.

Oh! And I had a race-mance.

It was lonely running in that race. In the beginning I was nervous and had no one to talk to or share my experience with. I had butterflies in my stomach along with a feeling of loneliness and despair. (It's moments like these that I wish my girlfriend or any of my friends ran - I wish I could share with them the feelings in my chest - but they just won't get it. Same thing happens when I talk about jiu jitsu . . . their eyes glaze over and they may pretend to care & understand but deep down inside I know they are humoring me.)

So there I was, lined up at the back of the race. (I'm not confident enough to start towards the front - even though I know I could shave a minute or two off my time if I started farther forward.) My stomach was all atwitter, rain was coming at this point in a light mist (it had been raining all morning and night) and I was filled with loneliness that I had no one to share this moment with. My first real race surrounded by over 2000 people who came together for no other reason than to run.

In the beginning, out of fear of gassing, I paced myself off of a few people who looked like they knew what they were doing. It started out a 13 min pace then slowly we crept up to a 10:30 pace. We were still packed so tight that it was hard to open up and pass people. I started making small talk with some folks but very few people were having it. Not a lot of people wanted a talker . . . I was rejected politely time and time again. I tried to join other groups - no one would have me. It was like some horrible version of high school and I'm the new kid and no one wants to be my friend.

Finally we pick the up the pace to a steady 9:15 pace. It's a comfy, fun and manageable pace for 13.1 miles.

We are in Liberty State Park diving over puddles and people I make a snarky remark and a young woman next to me responds . . .


Someone else who is alone out here and wants to converse!


So Lauren and I settle into our pace. A lovely 9:05-9:30 pace. We share our hopes, dreams & wishes - what we want out of life - are we ever going to do a marathon. It was awesome. Why? Because I had someone to talk to get my mind off of myself. I was able to rise up and out of my ridiculous circumstances (and not focus on my own misery) and I had someone else there to push and motivate me. (Although towards the end she was talking about her need to vomit so maybe I was pushing her?)

Lauren was also gracious enough to let me open up my pace the last half mile. I could have opened it up the last 3 miles and clipped them off at a solid 7 - 7:30 pace, but I didn't want to leave a soldier behind. Lauren encouraged me to open up my stride and let my legs go, so I did for the last 1/2 mile. It felt really good.

Then I realized that if I could have gotten Lauren to push it a little more earlier on -we could have both come in under 2 hours. But alas -what was more important, connecting with a human being or finishing under 2? It was my first race so I was happy to make a connection.

I have also learned the huge lesson of dry clothes and not to trust your girlfriend with them. She left my rain coat at home. So there I was rapidly cooling down in the rain with no way to keep the rain off. That was perhaps one of the most miserable mile walks ever. My body started to seize up on me. It felt like hypothermia was setting in. So next time, I'm not asking her to bring anything. I'm just going to check it all and have dry warm clothes for after. It will allow me to stretch & cool down and hopefully have a much more comfortable trip home.

I'm thinking about my running future. I'm going to join the Hoboken Harriers so I have someone to run with. I also am going to join New York Road Runners. I've decided that I will do the Queens Half, the Philly Half, this race and the Staten Island Half and make that my running season. But then I got to thinking . . . if I'm racing that much next year. Why not join NYRR, do their 9 qualifying races and volunteer at one and qualify for the NY Marathon?

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.

Right now, I need to think about my next race. Oct 11th is the Staten Island Half. I'm determined to finish under 2. I figure with better conditions and a happier ankle I should be able to do it.
But now I'm wondering - what if I'm like those racehorses that love the slop? What if I need crappy conditions to run?

I guess only a few more races and time will tell.

Until next time true believers . . .

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Procrastination Nation . . .

This morning I didn't run off to Jiu Jitsu. My ankle is still really tetchy and I'm not sure what to do with it. I should have went to Jiu Jitsu, but I also had some news to deliver to a friend about a common acquaintance that passed away. I Used the phone call as an excuse not to head to the 9:30 am Jiu Jitsu class.

Fear over my ankle injury is getting me to make excuses not to train. I hate fear.

I think I'm teetering on that very fine knife's edge of over training.

I will however do a mid-distance run this afternoon before heading to rehearsal for Jihad The Musical. You heard me correctly, Jihad The Musical. By the way, I'm playing a character called Hussein. You do the math.

Feeling crappy and over my head about the musical since I'm not a musical theater person, I never have been, nor have I ever passed myself off as one. I'm doing it because they asked me and I think they need the warm body there for the composers to hear it before they head off to London for the production being done there.

As for running and the ankle . . . I did a short, 4.25 mile, run on Sunday. The ankle held up. It was strange and scary as running on it felt like I was running with a piece of wood attached to the end of my leg. But then am I being paranoid and hyper-aware?

I'm not going to lie to you, it did hurt. But it wasn't unbearable and it wasn't like the pain changed at all during the run.

The question still hangs in the air, can I run 13.1 miles on it without causing serious damage to myself?

It's also not healing as fast as I want it to. If it's a bone bruise it could take a long time to stop hurting.

I actually caught myself looking at the New York Road Runners Website and saw they have a half marathon coming up October 11th in Staten Island. I started thinking to myself that I could always do that one . . .

But these thoughts are like admitting failure . . . I hate failure.

Some of my loved ones don't understand why I would even consider running a half marathon while injured. They are obviously people that haven't trained for something. It would be a huge blow to my spirit if I spent all this time:doing long runs, sprints, speed drills etc. and not do the race that has been my goal. It would leave me with a sad and heavy heart.

On the upside my buddy Chris and I have decided to start working on a project together. In an effort to help his teaching I suggested he start a blog to help him refine his ideas and be pro-active about his own creativity. (I'm all for encouraging people to write, in a any way, shape or form. The only writers that piss me off are folks who claim to be writers but never write anything!)

In addition to his blog I suggested he start a pod cast to help support it. So, now we are. We are going to be interviewing folks connected to the business of acting and putting it out there into the void that is the world wide web. I think this should be fun. We are viewing ourselves as the Click and Clack, The Car-Talk of the acting world.

Anything is worth doing as long as I get a good story out of it and learn a little about something.

On the recipe front. I was feeling all Fall like again so I made a Sheperd's Pie. Or rather a variant on it. Mandy loves it. I haven't heard a verdict yet from Chris. But I'll post the recipe in a day or so.

Until next time True Believers.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My first chili of the season!

Since I've been feeling the first nips of fall in the air, Mandy and I consulted and decided that it was time for my first Chili of the season!
Now readers, for those of you who don't know - I am a man who cares greatly for his chili. I have several chili recipes: ranging from the quick one I made last night to an all day affair making the sauce from scratch to a White Bean Chicken & Cashew Chili.
Needless to say, it was awesome!
We sat down, ate our chili and watched the original Halloween. A movie, I feel, that is the Gone With the Wind of Horror Films.
I really do feel that Slasher films, Independent Film (It was shot in 4 weeks with a budget of $300,000) and Horror Films in general owe a great deal of debt to this movie.
The way Carpenter sets up the scares. The fact that The Shape (Michael Meyers) is at once otherworldly and yet at the end of one kill in particular comes off as very human (which makes him even more frightening).
What also astounds me about this film is the lack of blood. He chokes most of his victims. How brilliant is that! There's the terrific opening shot which is one giant tracking shot inspired by Touch of Evil.

It doesn't get much better than that.

In fact it left me felling more than a little inspired. So, I'm dusting off my horror film once again and setting down to bang away on the keyboard today.
But after watching Halloween my own ideas seem so craptastic. Halloween was so simple: a Babysitter & the Bogeyman.

Confession; I do enjoy writing TV pilots more than film scripts. I think its the difference in the storytelling. TV is still dialogue driven and film, no matter how cool it is, has now evolved into being such a director driven, visual media. How many times have I been on a film set and they toss the dialogue away completely or let the actors and director make it up. But in TV that just wouldn't happen. Also TV allows for longer storytelling. You don't have to do it all at once.

I love how the Brits do it, six episode seasons.

Unfortunately their model doesn't make any money. But it does make me wonder. If we made 13-14 one hour episodes would the quality of the story telling increase in TV?
Does the pressure of 22 episodes under threat of seven seasons ruin the storytelling? Everyone pitches for seven season but really only comes up with five seasons worth of ideas.
So let's just be honest. Maybe our model doesn't work?
Maybe we would maintain viewership with MORE ORIGINAL PROGRAMMING? That's right. What if you had four 13 episode shows to put into that time slot? (Okay we will go with three shows at 13 weeks a season that leaves 13 weeks of do what you will time for the network.)
You could cultivate a genre for a time slot at your network.
Also it would be so much cheaper for the production companies. Think about it. Have the writers work like crazy putting out scripts. Then release them except for one or two for re-writes while they are shooting. Then shoot all 13 episodes back to back. Just tear right through them.
Yes, the TV actors would me making less money because they would be doing less episodes - but it means they would then have time to GASP - work on another show/movie/play.
I don't know - it's just a thought.

As to the ankle front . . . it's still all jacked up. I just hope it's not broken. Today I'm going to do a trial run of 3.1 miles (5k). So we shall see.
I'm back to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 3 times a week. But I fear it may be too little too late. I have a belt test coming up the week of Oct. 10th and Robson Moura is going to be here to give it. I fear I won't be ready. Between work stuff, Mom being sick stuff, injuries and traveling I haven't been able to put in the time I've needed to really learn what I need to learn.

Belts aren't that important to me . . . but I would like some color on mine.
I'll pry just end up being one of those ringers whose skill set far exceeds what their belt is. I guess I will need to start hitting tournaments in few months.

The syllabus for this test is huge and some things I've just never seen or been shown. I suppose I could pay for a private - but I don't really have the money and I sort of object to the idea that I have to take a private to be shown the curriculum for the belt test. What do I pay tuition for?

I've been doing two a days on the elliptical to keep my running fitness up. Yesterday I went to class for 2 hours then came home and in the evening did 69 minutes on the elliptical.
The day before that 40 min. body weight workout, then 42 min. on the elliptical - then in the evening I did another 42 min. on the evil machine that I hate. IF ONLY MY ANKLE WASN'T INJURED SO I COULD RUN!!!

If I do run in the half marathon (I'll decide by Tuesday) I'm trying to drop a few pounds to gain speed. The rule of thumb is drop five pounds - gain two minutes on your half marathon time.
As a result, no weights for me for the time being. Strictly body weight work. I don't think I'll lose that much strength. I just want to maintain it - and I guess more muscle endurance wouldn't be a bad thing.

Here's my current body weight workout . . .

Pull Ups 5-10
plank 10 breaths in/out
side plank left 10 breaths in/out
side plank right 10 breaths in/out
Step Back Body Weight Lunges 20 each leg

Push Ups 20
Crunches (Knees raised, bent at 90 degrees)40
Wide Grip Push Ups 20
Crunches 40
"W" push ups 20
Crunches 40
Fingers Turned in Push Ups 20
Crunches 40
Knuckle Push Ups 20
Crunches 40

Pull Ups 5-10
Dips off a bench/chair 20
Walked my feet up the wall so I'm doing a handstand facing the wall and then I walk the length of the wall on my hands and back again. (This one really determines how "fit" you are!)
Dips 20
Pulls Ups 5-10
Dips 20

Mountain Climbers, Split-Squat Jumps, and Clapping "Plyo" Push Ups in 30 sec. on/ 30 off going through all three exercises as a circuit 4 times through.

Body Weight Squats - 50

3-5 exercises, 20 reps each, Grappling Drills. (I do 'em - they are impossible to explain without a visual.)

Finish off with . . .
25 Push Ups
Leg lifts. (Keep the small of back on the floor. Lift Shoulders off the ground as in Pilates. Only lower the leg to where your lower back wants to come the ground. If it raises - you've gone too far. Work within your limits.) 20
Crunches with legs straight up in the air. Move your fingers along your legs. Keep the fingers in contact with them and try to touch your toes - 20
Open legs into a "V" and reach across the body to the opposite foot. 20 / side.
Bring hands together and pulse right up through the middle, keeping your lower back on the floor. 20.

Burpees - 1 minutes. Go.

Stretch like crazy, re-hydrate.

Estimated workout time, 40-45 minutes.
Also this workout is not for the faint of heart or for someone's first time in the gym in six months.

And yes, here is my quick & easy, super cheap chili recipe that I made last night!

In a pan brown a cup of chopped onions, 1 TBS minced garlic and with 1 pound 90% lean ground beef. (You can also add a cup of diced green & red peppers - but Mandy hates them!) (You can also sub the ground beef with ground Turkey or skip entirely if you vegetarian.)
Season with Chili powder, Paprika, Crushed Red Pepper and Black Pepper to taste.

In Sauce Pan or Stock Pot
1 Jar Chunky Salsa (Yup,that's how I cheat!)
1 Can Baked Beans (Yup that's a secret to making chili sweet!)
1 -2 cans Dark Red Kidney Beans (One can usually does it.)
1 can Pinto beans (Optional)
1 container tomato paste or stewed tomatoes.
Chili powder to taste.

Once the Ground Beef mixture is browned - add it to the beans.

Bring it all to a simmer.

Serve! And if you haven't guessed - Chili for me is about the beans!

It's easy - takes 15 minutes to make and you know what's going in it instead of just opening a can.

Until Next Time True Believers.

Friday, September 18, 2009

14 Miles On a Busted Ankle . . .

Okay, so I didn't do the entire 14 miles on a busted ankle, just the last seven.
How did I injure it you might ask?
Well, Jiu Jitsu of course. I was working with a newbie and Sensei had us tearing through various take downs. A review day of sorts. I was paired up with a newbie and when working on foot sweeps, "WHACK!" We collided ankle bones. Now, at the time I just it shrugged it off - it stung a bit - but no deal big deal.
Now the following day (Wed.) was my last long run before doing this half marathon on Sunday Sept. 27th. So I had to do it. I also had just gotten back from a whirlwind trip to Iowa. Now, while running there I also pulled a calf muscle.
Dear Reader, I just want to say this . . . I now understand how hard it is to train for two sports at once. Injury risk goes through the roof and eventually one has to suffer for the other.

So I did my run. It started out great. My pacing, breathing - everything was going according to plan. Even with ridiculous headwinds out by Ellis Island and a bad calf muscle this was going to be a terrific run. A training run that will get me to my goal of 13.1 miles in under 2 hours.

Alas, around mile 7 things started hurting. At first I thought I'd turned my ankle but that wasn't the case -so I kept going - and the pain kept increasing.

I know the logical person would have stopped running, but I am not that logical. I also realize that 3/4 of the key to being a distance runner is one's ability to manage pain & discomfort. So I trudged on.
Now I did 13.1 miles in 2 hrs, 8min. That's with an ankle I can barely put weight on, a bad calf muscle, huge headwinds . . . oh and the water was shut off in Liberty State Park -so I had no hydration . . .
Not bad right? Pretty freaking good by anyone's standards . . . but I was little sacred. The last .9 of a mile to get me home took 14 minutes. I could barely walk.
So I've been "ibuprofening" it and icing it. I think I'm going to take 2 days off from running. (It's all I can afford really with the impending race!)
It only swells and hurts when I get the blood flowing to it and it's sensitive to the touch - but no pain when I move it. And I can walk on it just fine - for a little while. I think it's a bruise on the inner ball of my ankle bone and it gets to hurting when the area fills with blood from use.

I guess I'll be on the elliptical trainer for two days. (Which doesn't cause any pain at all by the way.)
I hate the elliptical trainer for the simple fact that I believe they were invented for out of shape people.
Being an athlete - I have to be on it like a lunatic to break a sweat. I crank the resistance up to 20 (as high as it will go) just to get a bead of the wet stuff forming on my forehead. And in order to get my breathing up -I have to keep my limbs moving at max effort to the point where it becomes mental work to keep up the pace. I'd much rather run outside or climb on the treadmill.

Of course I doubt many people who run 14 miles simply as "part of their day" spend much time on an elliptical trainer . . .

I'm also sad because I'm not lifting right now. In an effort to shave off a little weight for the race to improve my time, I've moved to body weight work in an effort to shrink a little.
I love weights. They make me feel powerful and good about my body. But alas, we are trying something new . . .
I just worry about losing some strength. Some of the guys I grapple with hit the 300 pound range so I feel being able to bench 250 has its advantages.
I'll have to post this new workout. It's a combination of a grappling workout with the body weight workout I posted earlier and some things I picked up by watching a program on Parkour and the guys training for that sport. They are in amazing shape and I figured I could learn something from how they train.
Once I do this workout all the way through I'll post it and we will see if I survive it . . .

Until next time True Believers . . .

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Red velvet cupcakes and working out on the road . . .

Ugh. Right now, as we speak I need to be getting ready to leave. I'm hoping on a plane to Iowa this week week. Unfortunately I want to be in the gym right now. As a result I am without enough time - and will have to run when I get into town this evening. (I was busy this morning applying for a job as a scriptwriter for video games and I had to put together writing samples . . . )

I also have to learn to cut the cord from computer as I will only be tethered to my Crackberry for 4/5days!

So before I leave town I figured I would post two things. One, my red velvet cupcake recipe. And two, my take anywhere body weight workout that I adapted from a wrestling workout. (Hence it's grappler friendly)

Red Velvet Cupcakes
(290 cal./cupcake, 35g carbs, 3g protein, 16 g fat) Makes 24
1 1/2 Cups Granulated Sugar
2 1/2 cups cake flower
2 TB cocoa powder
1 TSP Salt
1 TSP baking soda
1/2 cup veg oil
1 cup buttermilk
2 large eggs
2 TB red food coloring
1 TSP vanilla extract
1/2 TSP Vinegar

8 oz cream cheese (1 bar)
1/2 pound unsalted butter, room temp
2 cups confectioners sugar
1 1/2 TSP vanilla extract

Bake 325 for 15-20 min. Remember to only fill the muffin tins or wrappers 2/3 full or you will have issues.

Now, here's the workout to burn off those cupcakes!

Hang out in a downward facing dog - for at least 30 sec. Then move to a Plank position
Plank - ten counts
Side Plank Left and Right - ten counts each
Repeat x2, x3 - whatever you need . . . but remember what's coming next!


Body weight lunges hand beside the head - 20 each leg

Standard Push ups 20
Crunches 40
Wide Grip Push Ups 20
Crunches 40
"W" Push ups 20
Crunches 40
Fingers turned in or "Bicep" Push ups 20
Crunches 40
Knuckle Push Ups 20
Crunches 40

30 sec on/ 30 sec off for 4 sets
Split Squat Jumps
Mountain Climbers

Pull ups to Exhaust (if you have a pull up bar)
25 Standard Push Ups
25 Sit ups
25 Dips off a chair
25 Push ups - feet on chair
Pull Ups to exhaust (If you have a bar)
25 Dips off of a chair
25 Sit ups

50 Body Weight Squats.

You can take this total body workout with you anywhere - do it in hotels etc. And to make it more difficult you can always go back through and repeat a set if you feel the need after one time through. It's not a perfect workout - but it's easy to remember and you can literally take it almost any where.

For me I tend to follow it with some solo grappling drills and then I go for a run and stretch like crazy (15-20 min,) after the run.